Waikoloa Canoe Club

Board of Directors Agenda

March 4, 2015

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Approval of February 4, 2015 minutes
  3. Treasurer’s report (Mike B)
  4. Coach’s Report (Daniel)
  5. Equipment report (Daniel)
  6. MOKU report (Lisa)
  7. Bylaws committee report (Ted)
  8. Code of Conduct (Harold/Daniel)
  9. Fundraiser status (Jim, Harold)
  10. Website status (Kyle)
  11. Membership drive status
  12. Unfinished business
  13. New business
    • Correction to minutes of January 21st. (Ted)
  14. Date & time of next meeting (April 1, 6PM?)
  15. Adjournment