Approved at 2023 Annual Meeting

The meeting was held at Anaeho’omalu Bay.  The recorder of the minutes was Rami Ring. 

Bob welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 10:35 am. 


Bob acknowledged all the hard work and thanked all the Board of Directors.  Gifts representing the member’s appreciation were presented to Coach Kalani, Coach Jeb, Randy Anderle, Eric Goetz, Kianni Dodson and Alison Dodson. 


Due to inability to meeting a quorum at the annual meeting last year, the 2020 annual meeting minutes were not approved.  Randy made a motion to approve the 2020 minutes and the 2021 minutes.  The motion was seconded and approved by all. 


Maria presented a very detailed and thorough report to the members (attached).


Kalani expressed thanks for all members.  He stated we are in a building year, and by building the junior program, it will build the club.  Explained that he tried to set crews to win at competition.  He is working at bringing in younger juniors, going 5 miles on Saturdays, and trying to make leaders within the crews.  Visitors are starting to join ohana paddles, he hopes they will continue.  In Jan. & Feb. they will still be working on stroke production, trying to get everyone to have the same technique.   


Last year was a trial year for Race Day Live and we didn’t utilize it and get use to it like we should have.  Next year it will be mandatory, cards will be gone and use of a QR code scanner will be used.  Paddlers will consequently have access to their own information.


Repair of equipment continues to be an ongoing process.

REPORT OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE (Maryann Holloway, Emily Claspell & Glenn Leonberger)

There were 83 voting members, 33 of which were online & 50 in person.                                                                    Those elected to 3 years terms are:

Randy Anderle (70 votes)

Kim Schneider (68 votes)

Erin Williams (66 votes)

Elected to a 1 year term:

Kianni Dodson (64 votes)


Maria informed the members that we will be purchasing additional liability insurance which would require a separate waiver.  She asked that members hold off submitting their 2023 applications until all updated forms were on the WCC website. 

The board will be discussing a process & point person for 2023 membership.   


David Wright:  I am not receiving email from the club.  (Many other members have complained about the same issue.)

KC Clark:  Microsoft World 365 does not recognize the HCRA system. You need to create a gmail account.  I used to have that problem, but getting a gmail account resolved that issue.

Julie Barreto:  Can we use the unlimited more regularly? 

Jeb Goss:  Yes, just get prior authorization.

Sandy Sater:  Any word on the status of 70’s crews?

Randy Anderle:  No word yet, we should know soon they are meeting today. 

Maria motioned for the meeting to end, the motion was seconded and approved by all.