Waikoloa Canoe Club

Annual Meeting Minutes

Dec. 2, 2020

The meeting was held via Zoom due to Covid restrictions. The recorder of the minutes was Rami Ring.  For some reason, perhaps because of the newness of meetings via Zoom, she did get a listing of who attended the meeting.   

Chuck calls the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.  Welcome everyone.  The year that wasn’t…hopefully next year it will happen.  Chuck thanks everyone on the board for sticking in there with Covid happening.  Chuck announced that Cliff and Glenn are leaving the board.  Being a treasurer has been a full time job for both Glenn & Laura.  Thanks to everyone for attending this meeting. 


Jim made a motion to accept the minutes from last year as written.  Cliff seconds, and the motion was approved by all. 


Overall we have $17,500 more than the beginning of last year.  Our income came from memberships & rack money and not much expense this past year. 


Ed thanks the board and members for their kokua this year.  We started the year off with lots of hope, lots of training.  Sprint trials were held this beginning of the year.  Race training started a little later this year…turnout was decent with lots of new faces.  Until the impact from Covid 19.  A year of hope, patience, staying healthy and getting in the water.  Kudos to OC1 and OC2 paddlers getting in the water, doing 1 and 2 man races.  Have to wait until we return to a state of normalcy.  Focus on gratitude and stay healthy for 2021 season. 

Currently we are working on a document to create “crew bubbles” to allow paddlers to get out and paddle OC6. 


Due to inactivity a decision was made to suspend OC6 paddling.  There always maintenance to be done on our canoes & equipment.  Putting Waikoloa decals on all our amas have not been done yet.  When it became obvious that it would be longer before we started up paddling again, Ed & Chuck flipped the canoes over and canvas covers were taken to the shed.  That really eliminated a lot of maintenance.  3 canoes are still rigged under cover, only maintenance left to do is a cracked ama that Steve Columbo will do.  Everything else is in pretty good shape, looking clean and ready for use.  Vicki asks if Ed talked to Jun about moving his canoes.  Ed tried but he did not connect with Jun.  If we get back to OC6 paddling the Oc1’s need to be moved or they may get damaged. 


No response regarding nominations from the floor.  Ronald is requesting to step down from the board.  Bob Yap will talk to Chuck about being on the board after the meeting. 


Chuck will not be President of the club any longer and will be leaving the board.  Keep paddling and thank you for your support. 


Thanks went out to Chuck, Cliff & Glenn from Rami & Jim. 

Jim made a motion to adjourn the meeting, the motion was seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.