Board Members present: Bob Yap, Maryann Holloway, Ralph Adams, Randy Anderle, & Maria Wagner

Board Members absent:  Rami Ring

Other members present:  Kalani Kaili, Victoria Serrao, Chris Parsons, Adele Salzman, & Malle Zablan

Bob called the meeting to order. 

Maryanne made a motion to accept the minutes as written.  The motion was seconded by Maria and approved by all. 

TREASURER’S REPORT (Maria) – Review of changes to the budget to include write off of clothing and donation of paddles.  Maria made a motion to approve the changes as recommended by the accountant.  The motion was seconded and approved by all.  Maria asked all Board members to review the draft and get back to her with recommendations and input via email so the Board could solidify a working budget at the next meeting.

EQUIPMENT REPORT (Kalani) – Kalani to get status and estimate of repair of Tahitian canoe.  3 of the amas that were sent to Jun for repair have been completed and returned to the club.  Randy is unable to find aluminum rims for the dolly and recommends purchase of steel rims.  Kalani requested an additional dolly and second pair of rims.  The estimated cost is $1600 for a new dolly and $400 for new tires & rims for second dolly.  Randy made a motion to make the purchase of new dolly and tires & rims for the second dolly.  The motion was seconded and approved by all.  The board decided to approve Kalani spending what is necessary to make the purchase. 

Bob will take the J3 cover to an upholstery shop in Kona to get an evaluation of cover and cost to repair.   

HCRA/MOKU REPORT (Randy) – Moku is continuing to move forward with regatta and long distance season.  There will be an increase in the cost of insurance for each club. 

MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Vicki) – Vicki reported on current membership.  Adele reported on the number of racks that were paid to date.  The secretary will need to remind all rack holders that fees are due.  There was a discussion around the need to remove canoes that are not in use per the rental agreement.  (Relevent section from agreement- “2.  Racks are for active paddlers only, not for terms storage of canoes that are not being used.  Depending on demand, the Board may require that inactive canoes be removed to make room for persons on the waitlist.  WCC Board retains the right to move the racks or re-assign spaces as needed to meet the overall needs of the club.”  It was decided that more discussion via email is needed to determine what defines “inactive”, and the topic will be on discussed at the next meeting. 

UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Randy was unable to meet with vendors after some cancelled appointments.  He will follow up with the vendor.  Bob offered to check with other vendors if Randy is unable to meet with his contact. 

Ralph provided information of changes and Maria provided status current bylaws to be approved.  Maryann made a motion to have the board approve the changes and put it to vote at the next annual membership meeting.  The motion was seconded and approved by all.

There was a discussion on participating in highway clean up, but there was concern of commitment for members to complete requirements for participation.  The topic was tabled until more information can be determined on the requirements. 

NEW BUSINESS – Ralph drew up an Equipment Use Agreement. Further review needs to be made to determine what could be loaned out, who would be responsible to provide access to the equipment, and process and approve the request.  Maryann made a suggested that further requests to borrow equipment be limited until the Equipment Use Agreement is finalized.

Racing season kick off will be planned for Feb. 19, 2022 with a meeting for all racers interested in paddling for the 2022 racing season.  Bob will send out an email for the event with a flyer.

Steering clinic for Ohana paddling to be on Sunday, Feb. 20.  No sign up is necessary but a general email to go out to invite all paddlers that are interested in steering. 

Maryann asked about making the J8 & J9 available for practice.  Kalani informed membership that canoes will be available as needed for practice. 

We need to repair and update signage attached to the shed, signs around the canoes and get create new signs to put away the OC1/2 stands at the end of use.  Since this is a replacement of existing signage, no further approval by WLC is necessary.  Kalani volunteered to make new signs.  

Next meeting will be Wednesday, March  2, 2022 at 6:00 pm via Zoom. 

The meeting was adjourned.