Board Members present: Jim Albone, Bob Yap, Randy Anderlee, Bary Foster, Maria Wagner,  Rami Ring

Other members present:  Mary Ann Holloway, Kalani Kaili, Bonnie Wild, Randy Ring

Jim called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm.

Maria was voted on the board via email to take over Erin’s position.

Minutes- Bob made a motion to accept the minutes as written.  It was approved by all.

Treasurer’s Report (Bary)

FHB wants us to do some activity in the savings account.  Bary took care of it.  2 canoes have been paid for already.  Including checking acct, savings acct. & merchandise we have about $43,000.  Assets have gone up by $40,000 due to the 2 new canoes.  Bary’s Quickbooks software system crashed, so he transferred to online accounting.  Bary was able to recover most of the data that was lost.  Bary is going to stay on the board until the end of the year & Maria has agreed to take over Treasurer’s responsibilities.  Jim suggested that the new board can decide what direction they want to go for handling of the finances (online via Quickbooks or FHB).  

Equipment Report  (Jim)

1 canoe is done, the second canoe was completed but they forgot to put the carbon fiber in it.  They are redoing it and it should be completed in a couple of weeks.  Shipping will still be due and payable.  Storage covers have already been received.  We should have enough rigging rope for the new canoes.  Jim will be reaching out to Outrigger Connection for additional rigging rope. 

Kalani will be bringing the dolly back to the beach once the repair is completed. 

Moku/HCRA Report (Randy)

We went over suggested changes to Moku race rules (attached). 

  • Article XIII Section 3.  Each club will sponsor only 1 club per year (to reduce the racing season).  It will affect Kai Opua, they will have to choose between Uncle Red’s, King Kamehameha or Liliuokalani race.  Randy made a motion that we vote “no” on Article XIII Section 3.  The motion was approved by all. 
  • Article I Events, Suggestion to eliminate Unclassified Men/Women 60 (mixed) from regattas.  Randy made a motion to vote “yes” to change 1 on Race Rules.  The motion was approved by all.
  • Article I Section D.  Division participating in, catches and buy-ins.  Bob made a motion to vote “yes” to Article I Section D.  The motion was approved by all.
  • Article II Classification M.  Novice B.  Randy made a motion to vote “yes” to race rules changes 3, 4 & 5.  to Article II Classification M.  Novice B and Novice B Mix.  All were in agreement.   
  • Change 6  was suggested to address gender discrimination.  The board agreed this was a good change. 
  • Change 7 & 8-All agreed to vote “yes”. 

Membership Report (Kalani)

Kalani has membership applications & checks for Daniel Legler, Lamaka (steersman).  Another new member will be showing up at the beach with application and check.  Maria questions what is the club policy for pro-rating or rolling over fee for next year on new members?  It was discussed that we come up with a proposal to add/change the ByLaws to reflect to policy.  Maria agreed to take a look at the ByLaws and come up with a proposal for membership fees and rack rates for us to vote at the annual meeting.

Old Business

KC would like to have the cleaning of the shed on Nov. 6 at 10:00 am.  She is asking for money to cover sandwiches and drinks for those helping out.  The board decided to give her $50 for this.  Jim suggests that him, Kalani, or Jeb be there to decide what items can be discarded.

Maria made a motion that the club adopt/implement a policy requiring club members participating in OC6  recreation/Ohana paddling sessions to be fully vaccinated verified by self-certification effective 10/3/21.  This policy would be for new and existing members.  The policy will be reviewed for necessity at the monthly meeting until risks or concerns have been mitigated.  4 of the 5 board members approved the motion.  Randy voted “no”.  The motion was passed. Bob asks if there has been any change at Ohana paddling sessions because of the new rule.  The answer was “no, basically the usual members show up on those days.

Rami suggested that when we come to a decision/vote via email, we add it to the monthly board meetings, in order to have a record.  Everyone agreed this was a good policy. 

Ralph Adams expressed interest in serving on the board.  It was discussed whether we should add him to the board immediately or hold off until the annual meeting.  It was decided that Maria and Ralph should both be put on the ballot at the upcoming annual meeting.  Randy, Rami and Bary’s term ends the end of next year.  Jim’s term ends this year.  Bob has 2 remaining years to fulfill. 

New Business

Bob suggested purchasing NK Speed Coach to support training to measure speed and distance.  Kalani felt we needed to order 2 devices…1 for the men and 1 for the women and suggested it be used only on Saturdays.  Randy made a motion that we purchase 2 NK Speed Coaches to support training.  The motion was approved, Bob & Jim will work on purchasing the devices. 

Maria brought up that we are short of steersmen for Ohana paddling sessions, and there are paddlers that are interested in learning to steer.  Kalani agreed to arrange to have Jeb train the interested paddlers on Sat. mornings.  Kalani will work with Mary Ann and Maria for steering at afternoon practices.  

Discussion of whether we want to switch to online payment.  Bob mentioned that processing payments online can be labor extensive to set up & expensive.  We need to decide if the cost is worth it.

The next meeting will be held on Wed., Nov. 3 at 6:00 pm via Zoom.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.