Board Members present: Jim Albone, Bob Yap, Randy Anderlee, Erin Williams, Rami Ring

Board members absent: Bary Foster

Other members present:  Mary Ann Holloway, Maria Wagner, KC Clark, Ralph Adams, Kalani Kaili, Adele Salzman,

Jim called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.

MINUTES – Randy made a motion to accept the minutes as written.  Motion was seconded and approved by all.

TREASURER’S REPORT- Bary sent the financial reports to the board.  We’re looking in good shape and have enough funds to cover the balance due on the 2 new canoes on order. 

EQUIPMENT REPORT – Jim has been looking at rope samples for rigging.  After conferring with Kalani, Bob & Randy, he ordered 2-300’ spools from Amazon for $150-$160.  It was much cheaper than what we have gotten in the past.  No update on the 2 new canoes yet, we need to start working on names for the canoes.  Ed sent a thank you note for donating 5 paddles for juniors to his club.  There is still a set of wheels to be worked on.  We’ll put off repairs on the Tahitian canoe  until next year.  Bob has a strap and will secure the cover on the koa canoes.

MOKU/HCRA REPORT-Nothing other than Liliuokalani race being cancelled.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT- Maria mentioned that 2 paddlers that joined about a year ago came down for the first time & 1 guest member from Puna side.  We have a new member, Jared Isaac  who also has a rack space.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS- Shed clean up-Erin suggested holding off for a while, possibly until Nov. when it is cooler, and possibly Covid numbers will fall.   

Bob & Rami got together to try to set Covid guidelines, but they needed more input from opposing views.  Rami will be meeting with Vicki and Adele tomorrow to get added input.  Erin feels communication and publishing of same rules for evening practices and recreational is necessary.  We don’t want to create unbalance and dissention within the club.  Maria created the document on our website based on the Mayor’s proclamation, which was exactly what Erin was advocating for.  Bob will be posting on our website once we agree on new Covid guidelines.     

NEW BUSINESS- Jim was contacted for a large fundraising opportunity, but it is not until a few years to come.

Annual meeting and voting for new board members is set for Wed., Dec. 1 via Zoom.  There are 5 positions open- 3-3 year positions & 2-2 year positions.  Vicki has resigned, Jim’s position is up and he does not intend to run again.  Bary, Rami and Randy’s position ends in 2022. Rami suggested that Jim appoint someone to fill Bary’s position.  Rami, Bob and Erin will be on the nomination committee for the elections.  Erin asks if she can take over membership, instead of treasurer for the club.  Bob mentions that we have google workspace that we can utilize for our meetings. 

Rack rentals- Rami questioned Kalani’s instruction to Adele to not to give out any more rack spaces because he was holding them to give to perspective racers to build the club.  Rami felt this was unfair and felt that this type of policy will cause division within the club. Rack spaces have always been a first come, first save basis.  Kalani responded that he had asked for the racks to be built with building the club in mind.   Jim reminded Kalani that 5 spaces were intended for juniors, and he is currently using 6.  Jim did have a conversation with Kalani to utilize rack spaces for building the club, but was under the impression it would not be all of the spaces in G & H.  Kalani expects his recruitment of new paddlers to be with the start of regattas next year.   Erin stated that if Kalani and Jim had a discussion regarding saving spots for building the club, that vision needs to be shared with everyone.  Adele informed us there are 17 empty spots total that are not promised yet, 3 of those are in A-F, with 1 member on the waiting list.  Erin suggested revisiting the issue later, when we have members on a waitlist.  Randy made a motion to assign the 4 people on the waitlist to be given a spot on A-F rack, and when we have more members wanting a spot, we will reassess.  Everyone was in agreement and the motion was passed. 

Erin stated this is a very trying time and we are all trying to do our best for the club, but she felt  animosity towards herself which she felt was a result of difference of opinions within the board.  She reminded us all to treat each other with Aloha.

The next meeting will be Wed. Oct. 6 at 6:00 pm via Zoom.  The meeting was adjourned.