Board Members present: Bob Yap, Maria Wagner, Ralph Adams, Maryanne Holloway, Bary Foster, Rami Ring

Board members absent: Randy Anderlee

Other members present:  Jim Albone, Vicki Serrao, Adele Salzman

Bob Yap called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm.

MINUTES – Maria made a motion to approve the minutes, the motion was 2nd and approved by all. 

TREASURER’S REPORT (Maria)-Maria needs to submit financials to our accountant.and submit tax returns.  There were a number of corrections that needed to be made…double entries from when it crashed.  The accountant suggested that instead of selling shirts/caps, ask buyer to make a donation, we’ve never collected or paid GE to the State. 

EQUIPMENT REPORT (Jim)J6 had a good scratch in hull, J3 had couple of issues.  Need to reach out to Jun find out status of J1 and Tahitian.  Some amas need to be repaired, 1 ama that we were told was fixed was actually not.  Might want to check with Cavin Yap if he is interested in doing some repairs.  Randy has the dolly, he spoke with Bumatay but need to look for another tire or rim.  Adele refinished the junior paddles, she will take a look to see if any further work needs to be done.  Is there any inventory on junior paddles after making a donation to Ed? Bob will talk to Randy and try to get an inventory together before the season starts.   Adele:  There is an interest in cameras at the beach by potential new members wanting rack space but concerned about security at beach.  WLC is Ok with cameras at the beach as long as it doesn’t face towards the ocean/beach.  Bob will follow up with Randy to see if any progress has been made with the cameras.

MOKU/HCRA REPORT (Jim)-  Moku meeting is this Sat, we should find out if we have a paddling season this year.  Bob will be sending Moku a letter on our new leadership.  Bob also needs to send a letter of intent to WLC & Moku to inform them when we will be using our beach for races.  

MEMBERSHIP REPORT  (Vicki)-Memberships are trickling in, about 27 out of approx. 175 have turned in their paperwork so far.  Guests are now allowed, do we charge them?  No, it’s a member perk

UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Bob will follow up with Randy regarding cameras at the beach.

NEW BUSINESS – Results of annual election (in person & online & mail in):  Ralph- 61 votes, Maryann- 61 votes, Maria- 59 votes, Approval of new by law changes- 64 approved, 2-no response, and 0- disapprove.  We were limited to a count of 40 responses by survey monkey.  We discussed the possibility of paying for more storage, so we have the ability to get everyone’s response.  The cost ranges from $16/month-$119/month.  Bob will research a little more.    

Maria wants to get the By Law change written in now that the change is approved.   Ralph suggested we make a change to the language of the By Laws in regards to quorum requirements (Section 6.2).  We’ll take a look at it at the next meeting. 

Ralph brought up a suggestion made by Vicki to take care of a spot on the highway, and we get our name on the sign by the highway, which would be good advertising & get our name out there.  Discussion for next month.  Ralph would like to see more steering clinics. 

Bob was soliciting ideas for our club to get involved in more events not necessarily related to paddling to build community and camaraderie among members.  Due to lack of races last year, we didn’t have that club involvement.  Maria suggested having Waikoloa scrimmages, informal races just for members.   Ralph suggested promoting Hawaiian Culture within the club, ex..learning the Hawaiian language. 

Bob wants to have an event to kick of the racing season.  He will speak with Kalani & Jeb. 

Next meeting will be Wed. Feb. 2, 2022 at 6:00 pm via Zoom

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.